Hi ICar,
str is "string" the idea is concatenate one string from 2 strings plus 2 numbers. (convert the number to string)
It depends in the "type" of number int, float, etc.
My particular case is I have 2 numbers from my sensor
float valHumidity;
float valTemperature;
and thingspeak wants to receive one string that my "internet device" must compose. So my string is
altSer.print(F("GET /update?api_key=")); // 20 chars
altSer.print(apiKey); // 16 chars
altSer.print(F("&field1=")); // 8 chars
altSer.print(String(valTemperature)); // 5 chars
altSer.print(F("&field2=")); // 8 chars
altSer.print(String(valHumidity)); // 5 chars
")); // 4 chars
because also I must say how many characters I am sending. Capital F so arduino put the fixed strings in flash and use less RAM
is the same string, but as I did is cleaner to see 2 years after to repeat
My device get the string and do whatever needed to send "really to Internet"
I do not know how to use your device but I think it is "more or less" the same thing
Hope still making sense