Still '0' values as result. Well, I got some peaks as I added a random values to each field, but unfortunately then, it keeps coming down to '0'.
This is what my LoRa provider (Sodaq) has messaged me;
You are sending your data correctly to the LoRa gateway (as operated by KPN).
They are forwarding your data on to the specified link you provide. It appears that they use POST and encode the data as JSON. However, this is not in the format that ThingSpeak requires.
You will either have to request that KPN translates the data and forwards in on directly to ThingSpeak, in the correct format. Or setup a some system for doing that yourself. i.e. KPN forwards it in their format to your service, you then translate it and then forward it on to ThingSpeak.
Does not ThingSpeak allow JASON format, then?