I managed to solve the issue. Here are the steps that might help, even for those who uses other hardware and libraries:
1. I knew that the url to post worked when I put it in a web browser - it updated my feed:
https://api.thingspeak.com/update?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&field1=10 (obviously I replaced the x's with my write key)
2. I was thinking that my shield was adding info to my header and this caused the "Bad Request" error, so I went to
and posted my url into the box provided. This then returned the info sent to the server and it looked like this:
Connect to on port 443 ... ok GET /update?key=PONK48XZ3V2APBKW&field1=10 HTTP/1.1[CRLF] Host: api.thingspeak.com[CRLF] Connection: close[CRLF] User-Agent: Web-sniffer/1.1.0 (+http://web-sniffer.net/)[CRLF] Accept-Encoding: gzip[CRLF] Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF] Cache-Control: no-cache[CRLF] Accept-Language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3[CRLF] Referer: http://web-sniffer.net/[CRLF] [CRLF] From there I created my commands to the website by changing the code in my function. This is the working function: Command to call the function in my main loop: ThingSpeakUpdate("field1="+String(x)+"&field2="+String(y)); delay(15000); And here is my working function: void ThingSpeakUpdate(String tsData) { Serial.println("Data string: " + tsData); Serial.println("...Connecting to Thingspeak"); // Connecting and sending data to Thingspeak if(Wifly.connect("api.thingspeak.com","80")) { Serial.println("...Connection succesful, updating datastreams"); Wifly.println("GET /update?key=PONK48XZ3V2APBKW&"+tsData+" HTTP/1.1"); Wifly.println("Host: api.thingspeak.com"); Wifly.println("Connection: close"); delay(200); Serial.println("Thingspeak update sent."); } else{ // Failed to connect to Thingspeak Serial.println("Unable to connect to Thingspeak."); } Interestingly enough, I did not have to specify the packet lenght. I hope this helps others aswell.